I’m not sure why, but I was feeling somewhat moody with regards to image processing today. This is an image which wasn’t really that spectacular when I took it. I was literally standing on my front lawn when I snapped it. Today, I found the urge to edit it.
Of course, the power lines had to go. It also had to be straightened. The shot was taken just before a storm. The wind was starting to pick up and there were some very threatening clouds approaching. So I decided to try to re-create the mood that existed at that moment. Granted, I didn’t really capture it in the original, but thanks to the digital era, I was able to take some creative license. The next few steps really just sort of happened and with a little selective burning and dodging, I ended up with a moody shot which I believe captures the feeling that day. Click on the image to see a larger version as I don’t think the small version does it justice.
Let me know what you think. I submitted it to a couple stock agencies so we’ll see if they think it’s sellable. All comments are welcome!